The Most Common Hidden Assets?

Blog-imageIndividuals and businesses typically hide assets for some attempt of financial gain. Spouses can hide assets during a divorce case so they won’t have to share money, and businesses can hide assets in order to avoid paying taxes. Unfortunately, hidden assets can cause a lot of harm and headache for those involved, and there are numerous types of hidden assets that can be discovered, depending on the situation.

When you’re dealing with financial investigations and fraud, these are several of the most common hidden assets you can find:

Real estate is a common hidden asset for both businesses and individuals. It’s a lot easier to hide real estate that does not produce any income, since there won’t be much of a paper trail—and possibly no paper trail at all if the transaction is paid in cash. No paper trail can make hidden real estate extremely difficult to track down.

Offshore bank accounts are another popular hidden asset. Although bank accounts from any spot on the globe can be hidden, hiding offshore bank accounts is a popular technique. In a divorce case, a spouse will likely have a hard time accessing an offshore bank account in the event that it’s discovered.

Small collectibles are also quite easy to hide. These collectibles include valuables such as jewelry, coins, and possibly even artwork. These items are portable and easy to tuck away where no one will see.

Rare livestock is also another possibility to discover within hidden assets. Although it’s difficult to hide a Thoroughbred horse, it can be easy to conceal their true value.

Fixed assets in business means that a company will record depreciation in several ways—most typically furniture, tools, or equipment. The difference between net book value and fair market value will alter a company’s net worth.

Making last minute adjustments on assessing value. This can include contingent or unrecorded assets, non-operating assets, and real estate.

Other types of hidden assets include cash, mutual funds, cash, value in insurance policies, bearer municipal bonds, stocks, and more.

How Financial Investigations Can Uncover Hidden Assets

Whether you’re dealing with an individual or a business, a financial investigator can help uncover hidden assets. Knowing where to look for hidden assets is a big part of the battle, and a financial investigator can find even the most obscure hidden assets.

The most common approaches to discovering hidden assets:

Reviewing of tax returns for both individuals and corporations.
Although you can’t learn everything about an individual or company’s finance from a tax return, it can be a large part of the puzzle.

Bank statements and financial transactions can also leave a lot of clues for hidden assets

Reviewing browser history for detection of new bank accounts

Reviewing cash flow procedures in a business, including how many comes in and who receives it.

Do You Need Help With Discovering Hidden Assets?

Whether you’re an individual or a business, Able Legal Investigations can help with financial investigations, hidden assets, and more.

Contact us today to learn more at 858-353-6038.